Understand that how we show up affects those around us. Commit to creating a safe and supportive environment for all.

“Seek to understand, before being understood” Stephen Covey

Discipline - Right Time, Right Place, Right Kit.

Our Values

Team First! Work and celebrate as a team, have fun, lift eachother up.

Creating a positive work environment and holding eachother up helps us grow as people and as a team. We are all different and we are all caring people. Let's celebrate our differences so that we might find positive change in ourselves.

Embrace feedback and use it as an opportunity for growth.

We grow personally and as a team when there is positive conflict. Let’s agree, disagree and move forward together.

“Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw

We are world class and bring "better practice" to our work, team and patients.

We believe that "better practice" is helpful in remaining reflective about all of our working practices. "Best practice" assumes that we know everything and this sets us up for failure. We as a team will continuously grow, as we learn from eachother, the evidence and our wins & losses.

Building great people, to do extraordinary things.

A life worth living, is one of service to others. Our generosity of skills and of energy will lift those up around us so that they can do the same.

Rewarding outcomes for both clients and practitioners - Always looking forward.

Making the most of each day and taking steps to improve your practice or brighten your day. Set yourself small AND large goals that make you better than yesterday.
“Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence - only in constant improvement and constant change” Tom Peters